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A History of Valentine's Day
Robert Macfarlane, Level Three Undergraduate Valentine’s Day is a significant annual moment in the modern calendar, but was this always the case? Also, was it always an excuse for individuals or couples to behave in an overly impassioned or romantic manner? Our story begins with St. Valentine who was...
The Rise of Lincoln Under the Vikings
By Joe Broderick Level 3 History Undergraduate Lincoln has seen many peaks and troughs in its fortunes, yet, these have led us to the present: where Lincoln seems to be on the rise once more. Here, however, Lincoln’s fate under the Vikings will be examined, when Lincoln went from...
Lincolnshire Road Transport Museum – Transport Festival 2018
By Liam Robinson, Level 1 Conservation Undergraduate Founded in 1959, The Lincolnshire Transport Museum is an independent museum, run by volunteers from the Lincolnshire Vintage Vehicle Society. Their collections include buses, commercial vehicles, cars, motor bikes and bicycles, as well as many examples of road transport signage and ephemera....
The uncomfortable truth: why Donald Trump is a very American President
by Harry McKenna (Level 3 History student) Since he announced his candidacy for the Presidency in August 2015, Donald Trump has continuously provoked indignation with his comments about immigration and migrants that have been widely construed as racist, bigoted, and completely antithetical to American values and traditions. However, contrary...
Lincolnshire’s Hobby Horses: A Mid-Winter Custom
By Liam Robinson, Level One Undergraduate Customs and rituals are important. We mark days, seasons and special occasions in part to celebrate the passing of time. In rural Lincolnshire, the mid-winter holiday has been celebrated for at least three hundred years by the folk custom of Plough Jagging. Groups...
Being a School Ambassador
by Becca Mattingley, MA postgraduate As a School Ambassador I work on Open Days and Offer Holder Days helping out our lecturers and staff by greeting prospective students and their parents and answering any questions they may have about studying history at the University of Lincoln. I became a...
Remembrance Day 2018: World War One Centenary
By Molly Day-Coombes Level 3 Undergraduate On the 11th November 1919 victory balls were widespread across the country. These were charity fundraising events involving fancy dress, dancing, singing and drinking. The biggest ball of the year was held at the Royal Albert Hall, London. The celebratory air to these events...
Cultural Assimilation of Portuguese Jews in 18th Century London and Portugal
by Aron Sterk, PhD student For the last two years I have been doing archive research into the career of the 18th century Jewish naturalist and Fellow of the Royal Society Emanuel Mendes da Costa. The research is being undertaken in association with the Royal Society under the supervision...
Homosexuality and royalty through time
By Bethany Scard, Level 3 History Undergraduate Congratulations are due to Princess Eugenie and her new husband Jack Brooksbank. They had a lovely ceremony on the 12 October 2018 which was broadcast live on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and ITV. The coverage of their wedding was staggering, as was the turn...